Sunday, March 31, 2013
What is god mode
Some times people like me make up their own things, like for example:
In the anime The World God Only Knows the main character has a mode called GOD MODE where he can play more than one game at a time. (he can get up to twenty four I think). Any way he wants to have 100 hours of gaming a day. So with my Otaku God Mode, I am simply attempting to watch all the anime I can with minimal interruptions, no breaks, no food, no drink. You get the picture. This is Otaku God Mode. Very unhealthy, and should not be done unless you are a trained anime watcher. (snicker)
That is also why I stated in my last blog why I was so hungry, cause I had been in Otaku God Mode for so long.
I hope this helps. >.<
Update on the cat aliens
Plus who wouldn't want their own personal Assitroids! They were so cute! Plus they can cook and after spending most of the day in Otaku God Mode my stomach is really calling to me. If you dare to try Otaku God Mode then make sure you have an ample amount of munchies to fill your belly or else by the time you finally power down you will be as hungry as a lion.
So today I started and finished a rather strange and unique anime. I also almost cried by the time it got to episode twelve but I wont say why. I'm going to leave that up to you to find out. AWWWW!!!! WHERE ARE MY CAT EARS!!!!!
Any way I'm not done yet. After some food I'm going back into god mode to try to start and finish Samurai Girls which you can find at the link below
AND... I found the opening for the next one on my list so here you go!
While being in Otaku God Mode (reference to the last anime watched) I came across a rather interesting and somewhat strange anime. Cat Planet Cuties. I have yet to determine whether I like it or not but I am going to watch it through to the end just for curiosities sake.
Not wanting to go through what the anime is about and all that mumbo jumbo (seeing how this isn't a review blog) I won't, what I will do for you though is give you a link to the english dubbed version on one of my favorite sites, even if they are disorganized.
After that and, if you desire, watch it please let me know what you think.
So far it is well...lets go with the word unique. And it certianly shows the ever continuous battle of cats and dogs in a different way.... um.... ya I have no opinion yet. Maybe I'll post another blog when I finish it. I don't know.
I would have posted the opening if there was a good one floating around on youtube. But alas I guess people have forgotten about video editing software and only remember how to use a hand held camera to the screen. I REFUSE TO SPREAD BAD QUALITY CONTENT!
If I do come across a good opening I'll post it but until then feel free to check out the anime here.
Thank you for the read! and high five to all otaku's!
God Only Knows Part 2
Now I can hear you baffled and annoyed thoughts. Why dubbed? Your not an Otaku if you only watched dubbed. Blah blah blah. Well first off I think that is a load of ballucks. Second off I don't only watch dubbed. I just like to finish what I started in the language I started it in. Also after two seasons of watching this show for me the only voice that should be Keima's is his English voice actor.
That's how I view that situation. And all those people who say, "Oh dubs are crap," well then maybe you aren't watching the right dubs. I would also like to point out that every person has different tastes and Ideals and like Keima said, "You shouldn't force your ideals onto others, the tend to not except them." (i paraphrased).
So you like what you like and the rest of the world will like what they like. We all have our own realitlies and some people get angry when you try to force yours onto them.
On another topic, well the original topic, I loved this anime and will be checking JustDubs for the next season probably every day. If you would like to help me out I would appreciate it if you know, please leave a comment of when the next season may be released in english dub.
Thank you all and happy anime watching. Oh and forever live and honor THE GOD OF CONQUEST!
Otaku forever!
Friday, March 29, 2013
God only knows
Lol. Plus I practically jam out every time I here the opening. I love the second half of it the most >.<
Any way here is the opening just to help spread the word of this anime!
Life will always be throwing rocks at your back and moving furniture just enough for you to stub your toe, and you will ALWAYS stub your toe. But when you learn to silence the agony and the urge to throw the lamp that was sitting on said table at life's face, you will be okay. Because the pain in your toe and in you back will fade quicker than you think.
Then you can get back to planning how you will shove life in a wood chipper and not get caught by the ever persistent "fuck you" police.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Lovey Dovey emotes
Laughing and Happy emoticons
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Mothers -_-
My mother tries to force that line down my throat every time I mention that it would be nice if she helps around the house. But all she does is sits in her bed either watching movies or messing around on FaceBook. She doesn't have a job, she doesn't do her school work anymore. We are behind like two years on rent and she really expects me to buy that line.
Enough is enough woman. You eat the food, you use the dishes, you live in the house you are forcing your children to clean. Fucking help out every now and then. You do know that they made child slavery Illegal right. Hell slavery is illegal in general.
Either get a job or actually be a mother. Help with the chores. Cook for your children occasionally. Instead of bitching when we don't do the dishes, do some your god damn self. Pick up the floors once in a while. Maybe even take out the trash.
"I pay the bills" ha don't make me laugh. We are just squatting in this place. The only reason we still have it is because the land lord is to lazy to drive out to the middle of nowhere.
She's all worried about her weight too. Well here is an idea, if you didn't spend all day in bed then maybe you wouldn't be gaining weight.
She is a hopeless case, a waste of breath. She is one of the people planning on mooching off of the government and the people who actually have jobs. She is the reason the government shouldn't just hand out money.
And yes I know I shouldn't bad mouth my mother. She raised me, she fed me, yadda yadda yadda. you don't have to live with her.
You don't have to deal with her whole, I'm the boss complex, when she has done nothing in the last five years to urn that right.
Thank god I will be moving out of here soon.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Lazy bones
You know you're lazy when your body makes you start exercising.
Let me explain. For the last two days I haven't been able to fall sleep. Even with a sleeping pill I was only able to stay under for two hours. I started getting tired of being tired all day so I thought to myself maybe I will feel better if I got my blood pumping.
So I turned on the treadmill, cranked it up to the highest speed, and ran bare foot for like five minutes. After that I felt better.
The treadmill did what four cups of coffee could not.
Even now as I type this out on my smart phone while listening to Alex Murdoch I am walking on the treadmill cause it gave me sweet relief from drowsiness, and yes I an still bare foot. Its approximately 11:31 am and I am so far wide awake.
Guess its time for me too make a routine of the exercise XD
Peace bitches!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Do you every get the feeling that you life and life in general is just one big bore-fest? I know I do.
Everything is always the same. You wake up to the same thing every morning and you pretty much do the same thing every day. life is a routine. A routine most people stick to for all their lives. It makes everything seem so boring.
It makes my want to just take off and be a drifter for all eternity. at least that way I would get to dip something different every day. And maybe one day I would want to return to my routine but for now I just want to take off.
Then they go and try to force their opinion on others like their way of thinking is the only way.
Because of that they mess up your day and you spend the entirety of it pondering ways of shutting their mouths, 50% of which are not legal.
Your day becomes one of frustration, which is partially your fault for not letting things go. That thought makes you mad and the circle continues for your whole day, maybe even longer.
People need to stop acting like the know everything.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Top three men of Supernatural
First up my favorite Castiel played by the gorgeous Misha Collins

I am stuck waiting for another episode of Supernatural to come out. I just finished the one where Cas (my favorite character) took the angel tablet and disappeared. Now I find myself facing one of those moments where you wish you could jump forward in time because you don't want to leave their world.
I tried watching something else but nothing seems to satisfy that craving (dirty ^.^) I get for that collection of tormented and battered boys, pun totally intended.
Fan girlish or not, I would love to dive into that world myself and maybe gank a few demons, just so I could say I have had that experience.
Plus c'mon you guys gotta love the pizza man. (none of you will understand that unless you actually watch the show)
So alas I will drudge through the deep dark razor wire muddy pits that is the internet and pray that there is something out there that will cure and maybe ease these cravings (still intended to be dirty) for Sam and Dean Winchester and their guardian angel Castiel.
Peace Bitches! (as charlie would say)
Got some exploring to do.
So I will use this blog to spill whatever nonsense comes to my mind. What ever though I believe should be posted to the world wide web.
Stupid idea but as the first paragraph obviously states I don't care.
This is simply here to rant, complain, bitch, moan, groan, whine, whimper, growl, snarl, rejoice, and maybe vomit on. Pretty image I know.
So if you are here, congrats on finding one of the most useless blogs on the web, and if you continue reading then well... you got some guts. I will hand it to you.
Throughout the journey of this blog I may get depressed, suicidal, furious, elated, etc. etc. etc. yadda yadda yadda, and if you manage to read all of this drama (and manage to not shoot yourself in the head) you are a better person than I.
With that said I leave you to the world of this Blogging Blog. (feel free to replace Blogging with any explicit you see fit.)