You know I get the whole "I pay the bills so the least you can do is the chores" thing, but there is one thing wrong with that picture. YOU AREN'T PAYING ANYTHING!
My mother tries to force that line down my throat every time I mention that it would be nice if she helps around the house. But all she does is sits in her bed either watching movies or messing around on FaceBook. She doesn't have a job, she doesn't do her school work anymore. We are behind like two years on rent and she really expects me to buy that line.
Enough is enough woman. You eat the food, you use the dishes, you live in the house you are forcing your children to clean. Fucking help out every now and then. You do know that they made child slavery Illegal right. Hell slavery is illegal in general.
Either get a job or actually be a mother. Help with the chores. Cook for your children occasionally. Instead of bitching when we don't do the dishes, do some your god damn self. Pick up the floors once in a while. Maybe even take out the trash.
"I pay the bills" ha don't make me laugh. We are just squatting in this place. The only reason we still have it is because the land lord is to lazy to drive out to the middle of nowhere.
She's all worried about her weight too. Well here is an idea, if you didn't spend all day in bed then maybe you wouldn't be gaining weight.
She is a hopeless case, a waste of breath. She is one of the people planning on mooching off of the government and the people who actually have jobs. She is the reason the government shouldn't just hand out money.
And yes I know I shouldn't bad mouth my mother. She raised me, she fed me, yadda yadda yadda. you don't have to live with her.
You don't have to deal with her whole, I'm the boss complex, when she has done nothing in the last five years to urn that right.
Thank god I will be moving out of here soon.
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