Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lonely Argentinian

Now it has been a while sense I posted anything on any of my blogs. I have been distracted by One Piece and packing stuff. But I decided to log into my blogger account and check my stats. I found something very interesting, which may be an error or someone using a proxy but it's still interesting. Bellow you will find a picture of my audience for the month:

That's right. I only have three from the United States, even though that is where I am writing this from. There are twelve from Germany and one lonely Argentinian.  But I guess it's not all bad for the lonely Argentinian because that one Argentinian has me thinking of this: 

That's right, that lonely Argentinian makes me think of the Argentinian from Moulin Rouge. This also has to be one of my favorite parts of that movie. The Argentinian's voice is so good, music to my ears lol.  

So if you happen to be my lonely Argentinian thank you for the read and I notice you! 

Now one thing I can't figure out is why most of my audience is in Germany. I only know one person in Germany and there is no way he found an anonymous blog. But I suppose the world wide web is full of surprises. So I would also like to thank the German readers and say thanks for the support for the ones from the USA!

Yay Views! 

With that all said I leave you with a funny picture from One Piece. And sorry if it offends someone, that was not my intention. 

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