So thinking this was interesting I decided to look into it. And like I expected it is a load of bologna. Sure the ObamaCare bill said something like this
"“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable."
But you have to keep in mind that when reading these bills they are filled with a lot of technical mumbo jumbo that most people would miss understand. And what I get from this section of the bill is that they want to keep a log of devices in patients like pacemakers and things like that. Most likely to make sure the patient with such a device is receiving the best one of said device. And if there happens to be a malfunction in say a certain brand of pacemaker, they would be able to notify others who happened to receive the same brand of pacemaker.
None of that matters though due to the fact that this section of the bill was vetoed. Meaning it's not going to happen anyway.
The nation can not implant microchips. It would go against the constitution and basic human rights.
I believe I said something like this before on one of the other blogs about rumors. Research it before you believe it, or do you want to be a sheep, following the rest of the herd over a cliff?
And I would like to say one more thing. I am getting really tired of all these Obama haters. I don't follow politics. I'm not an Obama lover or hater. But I am going to defend the man, so if you don't want to here this then skip to the end of the blog.
First off, you try doing his job. You try having a whole nation resting on your shoulders. You try to make the right decision for your people fully well knowing that there are going to be people out there who will hate anything you do. Give the guy a damn break. And as for all this gun crap that is going on. If he chose to do nothing, if he chose to ignore the fact that a school was shot up and that children who actually gave a damn about the country wrote him letters asking him to do something about it, if he chose to let all the redneck hicks have there way, there would be just as many people out there saying he supports killing children. Or something like, He doesn't care about our nations next generation. Blah blah blah. Whine , bitch, and complain.
America is a horrible place. A leader can not make all of his people happy, and even though he knows this he has to do what is best for his people, he has to make a decision that will not only keep his people safe but lead them into another generation. He bares your hatred, he bares your suffering, and he bares your anger. But still knowing that you hate him he tries his best to make you happy, and your family happy, and your friends, and so on and so on. You have to be strong to be a leader. You have to be prepared to hurt some, due to their own stupidity, in order to better life for everyone.
If you can not see past your gun, past the restriction of ammo, then you can not see the future. When you lock you eyes on one thing you miss all the other things that are going on around you.
When you can lead an entire country, without making one single person mad and still manage to lead the country into a better future, then you can talk about how bad Obama is. Until then STFU.
There I'm done.
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